Bulldog Nation Announcements

Welcome to William Yates Elementary Home of Bulldog Nation!

We are so delighted to have you as part of our amazing learning community.  We welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education. 


Our Family, Grandparents event was enjoyed by all in attendance.  The Wall of Honor is a beautiful tribute to our loved ones.  It is still up in our cafeteria if you would like to visit and take a peek. 

Wall of honor

Thank you to our entire William Yates Elementary family and the BSSD community for supporting the No Tax Rate Increase Bond Issue!  This project will provide much needed additions to our school.  We are thankful for your continued support which helps us make tremendous progress in improving our facilities for all our students!


2024-2025 Save the Date:

  • Dec. 9th-13th Holiday Shop (shopping during library special class)
  • Dec. 11th -Santa Night- come hear a story from Santa and get a picture with him.
  • Dec. 12th - Title 1 mtg 5:45
  • Dec. 12th- PTA meeting 6pm
  • Dec. 12th- 4th Grade Performance 7pm
  • Dec. 23rd- Jan. 3rd Winter Break Jan. 6th- PD day No School, Students return Jan. 7th

 Click here to go to parent portal

Arrival & Dismissal:

  • WYE will open our doors at 9:05, students will go straight to their classrooms or grab and go breakfast from the cafeteria.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Per district policy, any adult picking up a student will need to show photo identification upon arrival.  
  • Students will enter the building through our main entrance doors .
  • The Buses will enter and exit through our new driveway to the new gym off of South Crackerneck Road.
  • Students should not arrive prior to 9:05 am as there will be no supervision and cars/buses will not be unloaded prior to 9:05 am. The tardy bell rings at 9:15 daily.
  • Please be patient with our parent drop off and pick up. If you are driving your child to and from school, please use this car sign that you picked up during our meet teacher/curriculum night-This helps us identify the students you are picking up, and creates a smoother process. If you need a car sign- please reach out to your classroom teacher.

We are indeed a joyous and caring community with the common goal of nurturing responsible, caring students and promoting high-level learning.  We feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work alongside such a wonderful group of caring individuals.   

  • Please consider participating in PTA, they support our amazing teachers with every field trip, recently purchased our sound system in the new gym, and so much more.

School Hours

The 2024-2025 school year hours will be from 9:15 AM to 4:05 PM.  

Please be cognizant of starting times and ending times so that your child does not miss out on educational opportunities. Car riders may enter the building at 9:05 am daily.   

Bus Information

To find out your bus number, please visit www.bssd.net and click on the tab PARENT RESOURCES then PARENT TOOLS-Boundaries and Bus routes.  This link also provides approximate pick up and drop off times.  All Kindergarten students will be given a wrist band during our meet the teacher scheduled times- Please use a sharpie and add your student's name, address and bus number on this yellow wrist band.

Breakfast and Lunch:


The site to apply for Free and Reduced Lunches is SchoolCafe: www.schoolcafe.com 

Our Building

3600 S Davidson Road
Independence, MO 64055
(816) 874-3740

Our Staff

Kerri Edwards
[email protected]

Corinne Arens
[email protected]
Assistant Principal

Kimberley Porterfield
[email protected]

Amy Wilson
[email protected]


  • NO SCHOOL: WINTER BREAK Dec. 23rd- Jan. 3rd

  • NO SCHOOL: PD Day Jan. 6th

WYE Calendar

No events available.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
293031123January 04, no events
January 05, no events67January 08, no eventsJanuary 09, no eventsJanuary 10, no eventsJanuary 11, no events
January 12, no eventsJanuary 13, no eventsJanuary 14, no eventsJanuary 15, no eventsJanuary 16, no eventsJanuary 17, no eventsToday, January 18, no events
January 19, no eventsJanuary 20, no eventsJanuary 21, no eventsJanuary 22, no eventsJanuary 23, no eventsJanuary 24, no eventsJanuary 25, no events
January 26, no eventsJanuary 27, no eventsJanuary 28, no eventsJanuary 29, no eventsJanuary 30, no eventsJanuary 31, no eventsFebruary 01, no events